Criação de marca e projeto de identidade visual para um evento fictício de esportes radicais, desenvolvido para meu projeto de conclusão de curso. O nome e conceito da marca foram inspirados no X Games, onde o "X" é a abreviação de "extreme" (radical). (Ano: 2009)
Branding and visual identity design for a fictitious event of extreme sports, developed for my college conclusion project. The name of the brand and concept were inspired by the X Games, where "X" is the abbreviation of "extreme" (radical, in portuguese). (Year: 2009)
Branding and visual identity design for a fictitious event of extreme sports, developed for my college conclusion project. The name of the brand and concept were inspired by the X Games, where "X" is the abbreviation of "extreme" (radical, in portuguese). (Year: 2009)